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Text input

Text inputs enable the user to interact with and input content and data. This component can be used for long and short form entries.


Text inputs enable users to enter free-form text data. There are instances where you need users to enter both short and long free-form content. The type of text field used reflects the length of the content you expect the user to enter. Text input is for expected short, one-line content, whereas text area is for longer, multi-line entries.

Text inputWhen the expected user input is a single line of text.
Text areaWhen the expected user input is more than a few words that could span multiple lines.

When to use

  • A user needs to input unique information that cannot be predicted with a preset of options.
  • A user needs to input memorable data that can be entered more quickly in a free-hand format versus a more complex control.

When not to use

  • If there is a predefined or limited set of valid options a use can enter that consider using a different selection control such as a dropdown, select, or radio button group.

Live demo

helperText="Optional helper text"
invalidText="A valid value is required"
labelText="Text input label"
placeholder="Placeholder text"



Anatomy of text input and text area
  1. Label: Text that informs the user about the content they need to enter in the field. It is required unless you get an approved accessibility exemption.
  2. Value: The content the user has entered into the field.
  3. Helper text (optional): Assistive text that can provide additional aid or context to the user. Often used to explain the correct data format.
  4. Field: The container in which a user enters data. Must meet 3:1 non-text contrast requirements.
  5. Input requirement (optional): This label indicates if the field is optional or required for the user to complete.
  6. Character counter (text area only): Indicate the number of characters being entered and the total number of characters allowed.
  7. Resize handle (text area only): Allows a user the manipulate the field height by making it longer or shorter.


Text input heights

There are three text input height sizes: small, medium, and large. Supporting three sizes gives you more flexibility in structuring layouts. Be sure to use a consistent field height when pairing form components on the same page.

SizeHeight (px/rem)Use-case
Small (sm)32 / 2Use when space is constricted or when placing a text input in a form that is long and complex.
Medium (md)40 / 2.5This is the default size and the most commonly used size. When in doubt, use the medium size.
Large (lg)48/3Use when there is a lot of space to work with. The large size is typically used in simple forms or when a text input is placed by itself on a page.
Text input heights

Text area height

Text area has a variable height that can be lengthened or shorten by the user using the resize handle in the bottom right of the field. By default, text area has a minimum height of 40px/2.5 rem and no maximum height.

Text input heights


The field widths of both text input and text area should reflect the intended length of the content while still aligning to the grid columns or mini unit grid. Unlike the height, the width of the text area cannot be controlled by the user. There are no minimum or maximum widths but you should avoid excessively wide fields that are disproportionate to the intended data being collected.

Do use proportional widths

Do make text input widths proportional to the content and align to grid columns.

Do not make inputs excessively wide.

Do not make text inputs excessively wide just to feel in space. 


Labels and field containers should vertically align to the grid and with other form components on a page.

Do align field containers to the grid.

Do align field containers to the grid.

Do not align field text to the grid and hang the field in the gutter.

Do not align field text to the grid and hang the field in the gutter.


Main elements


Effective labeling helps users understand what information to enter into a text input. Text fields should always have a label. There are rare instances were the context of an input negates the need for a visible label but we advise you consult an accessibility expert before proceeding with a label-less design.

  • Use sentence-style capitalization for all labels, except for product names and proper nouns.
  • Keep the label short and concise.
  • Labels should clearly state the requirement status.
  • Do not use colons after label names.

Helper text

Optional helper text is pertinent information that assists the user in correctly completing a field. It is often used to explain the correct data format.

  • Use sentence-style capitalization, and in most cases, write the text as full sentences with punctuation.
  • Helper text is an optional feature and can be used in place of a tooltip.
  • When used, helper text is always available when the input is focused and appears underneath the field. The exception is when an error message for an invalid state temporarily replaces the helper text.

Placeholder text

Optional placeholder text provides hints or examples of what to enter. Placeholder text disappears after the user begins entering data into the input and should not contain crucial information.

  • Use sentence-style capitalization, and in most cases, write the text as a direct statement without punctuation.
  • Placeholder text is not required and by default not shown in text input fields.
  • Placeholder text can be harmful to user interactions and should only be added when necessary.

Accessibility best practices

  • Labels must be announced to the screen reader on focus.
  • Ensure the helper text that appears under an input is read when an assistive technology user stops at an input using ARIA.

Overflow content

Overflow in a text input

If a user input is unexpectedly too long for the single line of a text input then the value content can horizontally scroll inside the field container when moving the cursor from one end of the value to the other.

Overflow in a text area

If a user’s context exceeds the vertical space of the variable text area then a user can either expand the field container using the sizer control or they can vertically scroll the content inside the set field container.

Further guidance

For further content guidance, see Carbon’s content guidelines.

Universal behaviors

The behaviors listed in this section are universal across all variants. For behaviors that are unique to each variant, see each of the component variant sections below.


Text input states
StateWhen to use
EnabledWhen a text input is live but a user is not directly interacting with it. This is commonly referred to as the default or normal state of the component. An enabled text input field can contain no content, placeholder text, or user generate content.
ActiveWhen a user is actively typing content into the field.
FocusWhen a user tabs to or clicks on the text input, it becomes focused, indicating the user has successfully navigated to the component.
ErrorWhen the user input is invalid or a required text input has not been filled in. It can also be triggered due to a system error. This state requires a user response before data can be submitted or saved.
WarningWhen you need to call the user’s attention to an exception condition. The condition might not be an error but can cause problems if not resolved.
DisabledWhen the user is not allowed to interact with the text input due to either permissions, dependencies, or pre-requisites. The disabled state completely removes the interactive function from a component. The styling is not subject to WCAG contrast compliance.
SkeletonUse on an initial page load to indicate that the text input has not yet fully loaded.
Read-onlyComing soon!


Real-time validation helps streamline the process and keep data clean when the user fills out forms. Otherwise, validate the text input data when the user submits the associated form. For complete guidance on error and validation, see the form pattern.


An error state is triggered if the data is invalid or a required field is left empty. Error states have three visual indicators to signify invalid content: a red border, an error icon indicator, and an error message.

Example of an error state being triggered

Default values

Where possible, add programmatic assistance. Detect and pre-fill inputs to reduce errors and save time. When the software can’t determine the value that belongs in an input, use type-ahead to make suggestions. Use sentence-case for default values, detected values, and auto-completion text.

Required vs. optional

Text inputs can be labeled as either optional or required depending on the depending on the circumstance. For more guidance on requirement labeling, see the form pattern.

Example showing optional field indicator

If the majority of the fields are required, mark only the optional field labels with (optional).

Example showing required field indicator

If the majority of the fields are optional, mark only the required field labels with (required).



Users can activate a text input by clicking on the field container. A separate click is required to activate any additional actions associated with the text input such as a tooltip or password visibility toggle.

Example showing click target areas for text input


For additional keyboard interactions, see the accessibility tab.

| Key | Interaction | | Tab | Brings focus to the text input. | | Enter or Space | Opens any associated actions added to the input, such as a password visibility toggle. | | Esc | Closes any associated actions added to the input. | | ctrl + left/right arrows
opt + left/right arrows | Moves you word by word inside the field. | | ctrl + up/down arrows
+ up/down arrows | Relocates you to the start or end of the input content. |

Text input

Use a text input when the expected user input is a single line of text. Text inputs have a fixed height and are used a simple free-form data entry. Users can enter any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols.

Example of text input in context

Password input

Password input is a sub-variant of text-input. It is used to collect private data and will hide the characters as a user enters them. A user can choose to toggle on the character visibility by clicking the view icon on the far right of the input field. When using a password input be sure to provide detailed helper text listing any requirements related to the data format, such as types of character allowed or date structure.

Example of a password input

Text area

Use a text area when the expected user input is more than a few words and could span multiple lines. It is commonly used for features like user commentary or descriptions. It supports all the same states and functionality as text input except for the password functionality. Text area has several unique functionalities not included in the default text input, like the resize handle and character counter.

Example of a text area

Resize handle

Included by default in text area is the resize handle. It allows a user the manipulate the field height by making it longer or shorter. The resize handle has no effect on the width of the text area container, it only effects the height. If the user makes the field size shorter than the content inside the field then a vertical scroll will become available.

Example showing the resize handle in text area

Character counter

A character counter can be added to text area to indicate both the number of characters being entered and the total number of characters allowed. Once the max number of characters is reached the text area should should prevent the user from entering any additional character and provide messaging to the user that a limit has been met.

Example showing a character counter in text area



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